Being a small organization, located on Colorado's western slope, we have many advantages to help students succceed compared to state and national online course providers. 

  • Students get more individualized attention since we have a low teacher to student ratio
  • Students are able to complete coursework based on individual topics of interest
  • Students work with the instructor to design their own flexible Course Success Plan
  • Students have easy access to our instructors since they only teach for us and are almost always available
  • Students complete an online learning readiness survey to make sure these courses are right for them
  • Parents can deal directly with the instructor, not some school administrator
  • Schools and families with multiple students get discounted course fees
  • Our curriculum is flexible and current since we created it ourselves and update it regularly
  • We use state-of-the-art online instructional, communications and learning tools
  • Our courses are designed for the 21st century learner
  • Our courses have a career development and post-secondary plan component
  • We are not burdened with rules, regulations and beaurocracy, we serve STUDENTS!

Our greatest ADVANTAGE is that online and alternative learning are our passions! We are dedicated to our students' success in our courses.  Our experience has helped us learn how to reach students leading to their individual success.

Check out our Testimonials from students and parents!