HS Online Learning is a unique opportunity for high school students to use technology to explore a subject more individually, to learn more than they would in a "regular" class. As an independent course provider we develop and teach courses that provide flexibility, meet individual student needs and align to educational content standards. Our courses are written by Colorado certified secondary teachers and have been evaluated and approved by experienced online Colorado teachers.  We currently offer:

  • 21st Century Entreprenuership
  • Digital Photography and Graphics
  • Digital Publishing
  • Career Discovery

Today's learner has many options for education. Unfortunately, most students are stuck in a classroom listening to a lecture and being told exactly what to do. This is NOT 21st century education. Education today should include choice, technology and individualized education plans. If we want our graduates to be creative members of society, ready for a technology-driven world, we must teach them differently.

HS Online Learning is different by providing engaging and dynamic online classes to meet student needs with each student developing an individual Course Success Plan. The plan, designed with the assistance of the instructor, allows the student flexibility in how he/she completes the course. Studies have found that students who have more control over their education are more successful. Courses also focus on extensive use of technology because that is what engages today's modern learner. Our motto is, "If kids cannot learn the way we teach, let's teach the way kids learn". To be more engaging for students, our courses make use of online resources, social networking, Twitter, text messaging, cell phones, podcasts, webinars, and much more...

Online learning has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. It is estimated that more than 1.5 million K-12 students will take online classes in 2011-2012. Unfortunately most students will take courses provided by national for-profit corporations, some of which have never been involved in high school education. These courses are not always aligned to specific state standards and most of these "assembly line" courses have very little flexibility because they treat every student EXACTLY the same. In fact, some national providers have teachers with more than 400 students! In a model like that, your child gets very little individual attention. At HS Online Learning, our teachers are limited to 150 students per semester so your child gets the attention he/she deserves, the attention he/she needs to be successful!

For more information, e-mail: contactus@hsonlinelearning.com